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fungal tissue中文是什么意思

用"fungal tissue"造句"fungal tissue"怎么读"fungal tissue" in a sentence


  • 密丝组织
  • 真菌组织


  • In order to produce monoclonal antibodies , first , several v . dahliae isolates were grown in liquid czapeak medium , after rinsing mycelia and eliminating zoospores , the fungal tissue was homogenized with the pestle in liquid nitrogen and then transferred to test tubes and was centrifuged in tris - hcl buffer
    在制备抗原的过程中,首先液体振荡培养了若干株棉花黄萎病菌,经过冲洗除孢子、液氮研磨,用tris - hcl抽提,再离心制得菌丝蛋白提取液,可作为电泳样品。
用"fungal tissue"造句  


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